Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jay Hammers on Age of Consent


"Age of Consent is Misandry"

Full text:

Some MRAs are fed up with all the hatred in the movement

(But they are not taken too seriously)

Asking for moderation on The Men's Rights subreddit

LINK "It's time this movement did a little cleanup."
LINK "This thread again. Every week."

More Hatred:


Why is the Men's Rights Movement treated like a joke?

According to the MRAs in the Men's Rights subreddit, Adria Richards is a "stupid bitch"

A MRA thinks this language doesn't help the MRM

But "stupid cunt bitches are stupid cunt bitches"

a "feminist cunt"

a "dumb, ignorant bitch"

TheAmazingAtheist (terroja) insulting a rape victim

"I think we should give the guy who raped you a medal. I hope you fucking drown in rape semen, you ugly, mean-spirited cow."

LINK (Rational Wiki)

This post was deleted: LINK

Paul Elam on Rape


Paul Elam on "Traditional Women"


Some comments on this article:

Some guy named Johnny Blank had an abusive mother and now he hates all women. Specially battered women.

One day he encountered a woman being pinned against a wall by a man...

He adds:

What did the rest of MRAs say about this:

1. You should have helped her. You having an abusive mother is not an argument for this kind of hatred.


2. Way to go!

Let's see:

GirlWritesWhat on Domestic Violence

Ferdinand Bardamu's article is "not seriously ethically questionable", says GWW.

Full post: LINK

She is referring to the article "The Necessity of Domestic Violence", by Ferdinand Bardamu: LINK
* Bardamu doesn't have an entry of his own in this blog because I'm not sure whether he's an MRA or not.


Paul Elam calls Ferdinand Bardamu a "friend": LINK
* So even if Bardamu is not an MRA (he probably is), MRAs such as Paul Elam sympathize with him.

JohnTheOther and the Mangina Slur

LINK to "The Good Man" by John H.

Comment section:

Two MRAs think that this word shouldn't be used, since it is misogynistic and it hurts the MRM.




